ethical manufacturing

people references in a circle

One of our priorities is to ensure we remain conscious of the people involved in our creations. At the moment, as a small business, we do not have employees. Thus, we have not yet documented a fully customised code of conduct.

Nevertheless, we do ask all our suppliers to adhere to the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) base code.

This includes:

  1. Employment is freely chosen
  2. Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are respected
  3. Working conditions are safe and hygienic
  4. Child labour shall not be used
  5. Living wages are paid
  6. Working hours are not excessive
  7. No discrimination is practiced
  8. Regular employment is provided
  9. No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed


The respect of the laws in force in France and in all countries in which BORNEO PARIS operates is an essential principle. Thus, the addresses of the code are required to respect the relevant regulatory framework. Any conduct, contrary to the law, regardless of whether it is carried out or attempted, is prohibited.

All activities carried out in the name and on behalf of BORNEO PARIS SAS must comply with the content of this code. By adhering to it, recipients accept rules for which they assume full responsibility. Any violations may lead to termination of the contractual relationship with those who have violated the terms. 

Anyone who becomes aware of situations that are not in line with the contents of the code must immediately inform the relevant functions. In the context of such notifications, the company will conduct an investigation.  

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